Time to Get a Hobby

A few weeks ago, I had the chance to watch Netflix’s new documentary The Social Dilemma. While I found certain components of the film to be far-fetched and dramatized, the movie offered some important messages. In short, the screens in our hands and at our fingertips are a source of incredible good but have the potential to do immense harm. Therefore, I pose the following question: When was the last time we spent a free block of alone time that did not involve a screen? 

Instead of answering that question literally and pointing out the most recent instance, rather we must consider our “chunks” of free time. Are we participating in activities that make us feel alive, vibrant and free, or are we spending that time in ways that leave us feeling more drained than before? This is an ever-challenging fight for me; I admit that I am addicted to both my phone and computer. While I have made significant strides to limit my screen time, I consistently find myself with a desire to scroll.

Although the coronavirus pandemic has brought with it monumental challenges, opportunity has presented itself. Online class and efforts to “stay at home” have their benefits. For example, this semester I have picked up the new hobby of rock climbing. While I am a novice with regard to the activity, a friend and I make our way to the Ambler Recreation Center and hit the Chalk Rock each week. I am re-learning what it is like to be a beginner and to start at square one. This process is humbling and comes with many questions, yet it is exciting to have a (literal and figurative) rock to scale. I would encourage everyone to think about an activity that you have “always wanted to do.” Then, make the time and just get started. Excuses are often made about “being too busy for hobbies” in college, but time management is about priorities. We can re-set our priorities. It might mean fewer Instagram stories and tweets, but our newly talented and more-fulfilled future self will thank us.

Good Company is a ministry at the University of Kansas. We seek to bring authentic connection in a world of AirPods. 

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P.S. - If you need some inspiration for hobby ideas, check out this list.


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