How to live an excellent life

In 2020, we have experienced more than what many people have in their lifetime. 2020 is the beginning of a new decade: a renewed sense of excitement for what is to come. Yet, this excitement quickly turned, as the year began with the Australian bushfires, moved to the desert locusts in Africa, the coronavirus pandemic has dominated every part of society, we have seen a reigniting of the racial divide and inequality in our country, and now we approach a divisive presidential election. 

These global events have made me realize that life is short and we get one chance to do it right. Therefore, make it excellent. This type of life is not measured by the number of things we check off our to-do list, the number of degrees behind our name, or by the number of followers we have on Instagram, but rather what we did with our time to give it back to the people around us. 

Believe in yourself and your purpose: 

Many times, we are able to accomplish our goals because we have a change in perspective. The day you believe in yourself is the day everything becomes possible. Initially, I told myself that I didn’t have the painting ability to sell my craft, yet over time I started believing in myself and my hard work. It was only then that my (very) small business became successful. Because of my change in perspective, I am able to share my passion for art with others.  

Relentlessly pursue your passion: 

Following your passion is the only way to live your life to the full. When you engage in what you are most passionate about, your true nature as a human being is revealed. Throughout my life, I have been passionate about helping people with their health and well-being. When I came to college as a pre-med student, my friends questioned why I wanted to go to school for eight or more years, but in my heart I knew the time would be well spent. For many, passions take time to learn, recognize and develop. If you aren’t sure of your passion today, simply make time for hobbies and activities you enjoy.

Focus on your mindset: 

The power of psychology cannot be overstated, the quality of your life rests in how you think. Regardless of your natural inclinations, attempt to shift your perspective to positivity. Thinking positively is not being happy all the time or ignoring reality. Instead, this idea focuses on accepting your circumstances for what they are (good or bad) and choosing to see the better side of them. Instead of focusing on emotions such as happiness or sadness, consider how you choose to respond. It is in this response that you will recognize a change of perspective and experience, one that no one can take away.

Surround yourself with the right people: 

The person you are right now is the average of the five people with whom you spend the most time. As you consider the impact that others have on you, don’t be afraid to make a change. The people in your life exist to build you up, to inspire you and to support you. Find for yourself people who believe in you and support you, never settle for anything less. You are capable of amazing things, and good friends help us to recognize that potential. The hallmark of an excellent life is one in which you celebrate the victories, struggle through pain and grow through trial with alongside “our people.”

Good Company is a ministry at the University of Kansas. We seek to bring authentic connection in a world of AirPods. 

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